2019 Board Member Nominees
Get to know your board member nominees and why they were nominated. Voting closes July 12th!
Presidential Tract
Brian Watson
Brian is the director of the Office of Information Technology for the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He has over 20 years of experience working for UGA. Brian hosted the 2017 NETC Conference in Savannah and has been an active member of the NETC board for the last few years.
Joel Wallace
Joel would be great for this position and bring valuable expertise and vision to the board and community.
Communications Manager
Bekah Sparks
Bekah works at Mississippi State University and serves as the current Communications Manager for NETC. She has been a driving force for, and instrumental in bringing the Community to where we are now. She has played a significant roll on the board and can continue to take us forward.
Amy Cole
Amy has been very involved in the community since she started coming to NETC and she would bring a lot of great energy and commitment to the board to help bring our community to the next level!
Jacki Weikert
Jacki believes she would do a good job at sharing information with the community members and is organized and passionate about NETC.
James Hazzard
James Hazzard is Director of Information Technology for Extension at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. James has been in Higher Education IT for 19 years and with Extension for the last 7 of those. He has attended and presented at NETC since 2013, and is a firm believer in the power of community and the value of relationship building across Cooperative Extension. As communications manager, James would commit to maintaining and improving communication, awareness, and participation with key stakeholders of the NETC mission and within the broader Extension IT community.
Northeast Regional Representative
Jacki Weikert
Jacki has been a valued regional representative on the board and would like to continue serving and growing the community in the northeast.
Cate Sirek
Cate’s first conference was in Kansas and she didn’t know anyone there but still felt welcomed and at home. She’s managed to convince other Cornell/Extension folks to attend and even present because she loves NETC and the sharing and commiserating with colleagues across the country. Cate would like to help grow NETC and would be honored to serve the northeast region.
1890 Regional Representative
William (Will) Scott
An active member of NETC and a frequent attendee of the annual conference, Will is an Information Technology Professional with the Fort Valley State University College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology in Fort Valley, Georgia.